
Need training or assistance with using your campus technology? 

To report a problem with campus technology:

Classrooms & Spaces Technology

LITS designs, builds, documents, and supports the audio-visual and computing systems in campus classrooms, computer labs, event venues, and other spaces.

Most campus presentation and learning spaces are equipped with integrated audio-visual equipment. Visit the LITS Knowledge Base for detailed information and usage instructions on the technology in specific spaces.

Classroom technology on LITS Knowledge Base

Report a problem with classroom technology

Self Service Solutions

LITS maintains an ever-expanding online Support Center with quick answers and solutions to common questions, and an in-depth Knowledge Base where users can find a wealth of documentation about a computer, mobile device, audio-visual, printing, and classroom technologies, and much more.

New documentation is developed and added on a regular basis. If the information you seek is not captured in our Support Center or Knowledge Base, be sure to let us know.

LITS Support Center


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